IMAC engineering course
Image - Multimedia - Audiovisual - Communication
3 years
Graduation level
Bac +5 master's degree
Why become an engineer combining the arts and sciences?
Engineers who take this course can combine creativity with proven scientific skills. This course trains high-level professionals in the fields of video games and special effects, the web and audio-visual media.

What will I gain from this course?
- To combine a creative spirit with scientific knowledge
- To provide a solid start in science and computing, while also developing artistic culture
- To provide training in audio-visual tools
- To be able to manage technical and artistic projects
- Programming and algorithmic skills/understanding
- Mathematics of video games and perspective
- Design, digital arts
- Audio-visual design
- Project management
Job prospects
Examples of practical applications
- 3D reconstruction software
- Augmented reality
- Video production
- Video games
- Web sites and applications
- Databases
Jobs / Functions
- Web Project Manager
- Web Developer
- Web consultant
- ‘Full stack’ programmer
- UX designer
- 3D developer
- Production manager
Sectors of activity
- IT, web
- Video games
- Multimedia, animation
- Communication, marketing, advertising
- Audio-visual, digital entertainment
- Teaching and research
Companies that have employed graduates from this course:
UbisoftSmileOcto Technology INAJunoTechnicolor (MPC, Mikros Image) Playapp...
Key figures
96 %
of the young graduates found their first job within 4 month after of graduating (promo 2023)
90 %
of our students even found a contract before the end of their training
43 400 €
is the average annual gross salary (France and International)
How is the course run?
1st year of the engineering cycle – Discover
Students that are recruited by IMAC follow a wide variety of courses. The first year of teaching/training provides each student with a common and solid base of knowledge and skills.
Basics of video practice History of art Introduction to programmingProgrammation webApproach to image synthesisDesignUpgrading in mathematicsHistory of cinema ...
2nd year of the engineering cycle – Deepen your knowledge
In second year, students develop their skills with more targeted courses.
Game programmingMathematics for computing and imaging Image synthesisNetwork administrationWeb designAudio-visual Framework web ...
Tutored projects are an important part of the year. Straddling the two semesters, they give students an initial insight into a long-term project.
Supervised by professional tutors, students respond to a customer request.
3rd year of the engineering cycle – Find your speciality
In third year, students choose the field they are most passionate about. Three main themes are offered, and courses/teaching can be combined.
At the same time, students learn a common core of teaching and are involved in discovery classes. Students can complete their training by taking a double degree in cinema or a double degree in computer science with an image option. Some students spend their final year abroad.
To complete their major, students go on internship from February onwards.
- e-marketing
- Cloud computing
- Web and mobile technologies service design
- Data design
- Advanced programming
- Augmented virtual reality
- Video games
- Physics engine
- Advanced OpenGL
- Interactive device
- Sound design
- Artistic direction scenography
- New forms of cinema
- Advanced post-production
Projects and engineering
Admission in the first year for Bac +2 students or in the 2nd year for Bac +3 students
Assessment based on portfolio and possibly an individual interview
What are the pre-requisites?
- The IMAC course recruits from bac+2 level upwards
- Have an interest in both the arts (graphic arts, cinema, music, digital arts, etc.) and the sciences (programming, mathematics, signal processing, etc.), without necessarily being a specialist in each of these fields.
Profils scientifiques
Classes préparatoires, BUT informatique, BUT MMI (anciennement SRC), licence maths et informatique, licence physique…
Artistic profiles
BTS visual communication, BTS audio-visual, degree in cinema, art schools, etc.
When should you apply?
1st admission session
Applications from 1st February 2025
Deadline for receipt of applications: 3 March 2024
2nd admission session
Deadline for receipt of applications: 6 April 2025
3rd admission session
Deadline for receipt of applications: 20 May 2025
How do I apply?
To apply, go to the Gustave Eiffel University platform, of which ESIEE Paris is a member school:
- Create an account by entering your personal details and your academic background
- Validate your account via the link you will receive by email
- Browse the courses on offer: click on "courses on offer" in the menu on the left, select ESIEE Paris - Diplôme d'ingénieur en formation initiale IMAC and create your application file.
Documents required:
CV / Covering letter / Baccalaureate transcripts / Post-baccalaureate transcripts / Portfolio
Tuition fees
The ESIEE-ESIPE merger does not change the university status of the IMAC public engineering programme. Consequently, tuition fees remain at the rate set by the Ministry of Higher Education and Research, currently €601 plus CVEC.
That's what they say!

Erwann Lefevre, ESIEE Paris graduate (class of 2022), IMAC stream
Growth Manager at Juno
I'm a Growth Manager, which means that I'm responsible for finding new ways of acquiring customers, but also for improving their experience throughout the sales process. IMAC's great strength lies in its ability to teach us to evolve in situations that combine several different professions. Thanks to the teaching received in this course, we learn to react quickly and solve all kinds of problems. If I'm lucky enough to be in this job today, it's above all thanks to the multidisciplinary nature of IMAC. In one day, I have the opportunity to juggle different professions, from sales and marketing to development and design. It's the best training for multi-skilled jobs, especially in a world where new digital professions are constantly emerging.