Platforms and facilities
The research laboratories use cutting-edge facilities and technology platforms for their work
The clean rooms
Prototyping centre for miniature sensors
ESIEE Paris has significant microtechnology resources, used for pedagogical activities, research and company support. These clean rooms are managed by the Department of Microelectronics and Microsystems Resources (SMM) and boast more than 30 years’ experience in processes dedicated to microtechnology and microsystems. The research performed in these clean rooms is mainly related to producing prototypes of miniature sensors and other silicon-based micro-components. This sensor prototyping platform is also open to companies, for support in small-series production.
Functional micro-components manufactured in this way are not only used for highly specialised applications, like oil prospecting, aeronautics and integrated optics, but also “general public” applications, in telephony, automotive, medicine and the environment.

A virtual reality room
An immersive virtual reality room has been installed at ESIEE Paris
The spectator / participant is immersed in a virtual scene, projected in 3D, using polarised video projectors. Equipped with 3D sensors and wired gloves, they can interact with the scene in real time. This room was created to respond to the needs of the Virtual Technology Scientific Interest Group, which has the aim of grouping together all research activities involving virtual reality for the creation of environments and 3D representations, especially visual and audio aspects.

The embedded systems platform
Two platforms for the design of distributed, real-time systems
Different programming tools are available, such as programmable digital maps, programming languages, etc.
It also offers measuring devices, modelling and quick prototyping tools and software (Matlab, DSP 28335, etc.), testing benches for electric vehicles, model production and more.
A few examples of achievements: tool to help design real-time on-board software (Modest), optimal electric vehicle management and design of home automation systems.

Microwave frequencies, optics and digital communications platform
A set of platforms that can operate either autonomously or collaboratively
Each platform is able to respond to a unique and very specific demand. Probe stations, vector network analyser, semiconductor parametric tester, communicating sensors, arbitrary signal generators, etc. can be used for microwave frequency measurements, digital radio communications, RFID, signal processing and wireless network applications.
Some examples of achievements: micro-lenses using 3D silicon etching, photonic crystals using DRIE etching, matrix optical switches, vertical DBRs and tunable cavities, integrated RF and opto-microwave circuits.

Innovation database analysis platform
At the heart of dynamics for creating scientific and technical knowledge
It allows studies to be carried out on the innovation economy and strategic intelligence, from patents to analysis tools.
Some examples of collaborations: AREVA: Identification of key skills within Areva, IFRIS: Research Infrastructure for research and innovation policy studies (RISIS) European project - “pooling of several platforms”.