Smart electronic systems engineer programme

ESIEE Paris offers a specialization in smart electronic systems within its engineering programme during the last two years of the course, accredited by the engineering titles commission (CTI).



2 years

Degree level
Bac +5 master's degree

Why should I become a smart electronic systems engineer?

Electronic engineers can work in more and more sectors with the development of the Internet of Things (IoT) : computer science, telecommunications, aeronautics, automobile, etc. From the idea to the manufacture, multiple stages are necessary and the progress can be monitored. 

Present everywhere, electronics have a major role in the French economy. Especially since the digital revolution which created new needs.

What will the programme bring me?

  • Objectives 

    • To become a multi-skilled engineer in electronics
    • To learn how to conceive smart electronic systems from the choice of the components to the conception
    • To follow a training that responds to tomorrow’s challenges : the internet of Things, artificial intelligence, datascience, cybersecurity…
  • Skills

    • Mastering the conception of smart electronic systems
    • Mastering the description languages of materials and programmable circuits such as VHDL, FPGA, Soc Systems on Chip
    • Assimilating the C language, the microcontroller programmation, analogue electronic, RF antenna, telecommunications, MEMS…

Professional opportunities

  • Examples of applications

    • Autonomous vehicles
    • Intelligent habitat and environment
    • Secure contactless payment
    • Hardware acceleration for financial markets, etc.
  • Professions / Positions

    • Designer of electronic systems on boards
    • SoC Digital Systems on FPGA, microwave systems, micro-nano-technology sensors
    • Research and development engineer
    • Field engineer
    • Product manager
    • Sales engineer
  • Sectors of activity

    • Defence and security
    • Connected objects
    • Aerospace
    • Automotive
    • Financial markets
    • Multimedia
    • Consumer electronics
    • Home automation
    • Medical electronics
    • Smart buildings and environment
    • Microelectronics
Companies that have recruited graduates from the sector:

Airbus defence and space SASElsys DesignEnyxExpleoGE Medical SystemsMBDA FranceSafranSchlumbergerSiemensTexas instruments


97 %
of the young graduates found their first job within 6 month after of graduating (promo 2022)

84 %
of our students even found a contract before the end of their training

42 072 €
is the average annual gross salary (France and International)

How is the programme structured?

At the end of the first year of the engineering cycle, students choose their field of study. The course of study is spread over two years with compulsory and optional scientific and technical courses, management courses and modern languages.


2nd year of the engineering cycle

The courses take place over two semesters, each one subdivided into two periods. The first semester consists of two teaching periods. The second semester is made up of one teaching period and an internship period of at least 12 weeks. From January to April, students must work in teams on multidisciplinary projects proposed by industrial partners, laboratories or ESIEE Paris teachers.  All students may take optional modern language 2 courses.

  • UE - Advanced science and technology (330 h - 27 ECTS)
  • UE - Open science and technology (90 h - 10 ECTS)
  • UE - Management and human sciences (120 h - 7 ECTS)
  • UE - Modern languages (76 h - 4 ECTS)
  • Internship (12 ECTS)

3rd year of the engineering cycle

The courses take place over in two semesters. The first semester consists of two teaching periods. In the second semester, the student must complete an end-of-studies internship of at least 24 weeks (6 months) in a company or research laboratory.

  • UE - Advanced science and technology (180 h - 18 ECTS)
  • UE - Open science and technology (60 h - 5 ECTS)
  • UE - Management and human sciences (90 h - 5 ECTS)
  • UE - Modern languages (42 h - 4 ECTS)
  • Internship (30 ECTS)
Conférence des grandes écoles
Commission des titres d'ingénieur
Label diplôme d'ingénieur

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