Industrial engineering
Teaching and research department
The industrial engineering department brings together the teaching and research activities of ESIEE Paris in the fields of design, management, maintenance, reliability and improvement of products, systems, processes and the entire supply chain.
Areas of expertise
- Supply chain
- Digitalisation
- Maintenance and reliability
- Design and production
- Materials
Study programmes
Industrial engineering, performance and innovation
Industrial, supply chain and digital engineering (apprenticeship)
Mechanical engineering (apprenticeship)
Maintenance and reliability of industrial processes (apprenticeship)
Maintenance of industrial, production and energy systems vocational degree - MISP course, industrial maintenance and process safety (apprenticeship)
Factory of the Future 4.0 University diploma
Safran, Dassault-Systèmes, Renault, Stellantis, Valeo, EDF, KEB

Corinne Charbonnel
Department assistant