Recruit an intern
An assignment to be completed, a post to be filled? Recruit an ESIEE Paris intern
Our students carry out internships from their first year at the school. Immersion in a company is an essential part of their education to allow them to acquire and consolidate skills.

At ESIEE Paris, part of our DNA is to train agile future general engineers in the monitoring and emergence of new technology in their field of work.
As a host company, the internship period allows you to identify skills relevant to your business and to test the student engineer in your technological environment.
The duration of the internship varies according to the year of study.
Which programmes correspond to your projects?
Systems engineering
Embedded Systems
Smart Electronic Systems
Industrial EngineeringHealth and the environment
Biotechnology and e-health
Internship periods during the engineering courses (in french)

Events to optimise your recruitment
To meet your needs in terms of skills and to optimise your choice of students, dedicated recruitment events are regularly organised such as job dating and job forums.

Useful links
A legal question? The following links may help you:
Stagiaire : 4 points à savoir (in french)
Les stages étudiants en milieu professionnel (in french)