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Programme for support towards professional integration (P5)

The " P5 " professional integration support scheme is an integral part of the ESIEE Paris engineering programme.

During the three years of the traditional programme, students benefit from real support in personal development in order to define their career plans and to better prepare them for their entry into working life.

Objectives of the programme

 Help students succeed in their studies by making them active players in their training
Dynamic workshops in small groups (16-18 students)

 Prepare students for entering the professional world by raising their awareness of personal development
Preparation for the engineering profession and the necessary skills: empathy, positive communication, stress management, inclusion and diversity.

 Engage students by showcasing their talents
Focus on technical skills and soft skills. Progressive development of their career plans: drafting a CV and cover letter, pitching, role-playing recruitment interviews.

A programme supervised by coaches and experts

The workshops are led by personal development professionals, HR staff from the school's partner companies, but also speakers from other backgrounds, such as coaches from APEC for example. ESIEE Paris alumni from different sectors of activity give talks in dedicated lecture halls to raise awareness of the realities of the engineering profession and the importance of networking.

What is the P^5?

P5 stands for the Progressive Preparation of the student’s Professional and Personal Project.

" P5 was launched in 2013 and places the individual at the centre of things by providing methods and neutral (non-judgmental) and benevolent support " Eric Wirth, 2018.

Student in 4th year (E4)

2nd year of the engineering programme

" The P5 workshops are an opportunity to learn about ourselves, our ability to interact with others and thus develop as individuals. "

3rd year student (E3)

1st year of the engineering programme

" The teaching was great, always friendly, which encourages you to enjoy the workshops. "

3rd year student (E3)

1st year of the engineering programme

" I enjoyed the assessment pitch. It was original and it helped me a lot because I'm a shy person. I find it hard to speak in public and this was a good opportunity for me. "

Barbara Gérard

Head of the P5 scheme

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