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Pierre Larrenie, PHD Student at ESIEE Paris, wins best paper award

Pierre Larrenie, a PHD student at ESIEE Paris, in collaboration with Thales, won the Best Paper Award at the 5th International Conference on Machine Learning for Networking which took place in Paris from 28th-30th November 2022.

The award was linked to his thesis on “machine learning”. 

The following article was awarded the prize: 

P. Larrenie, J.-F. Bercher, O. Venard, Iyad Lahsen-Cherif (2022) “Low Complexity Adaptive Machine Learning Approaches for end-to-end latency prediction”, to appear in Lecture Notes in Computer Science.

This article presents estimators of latency in ad-hoc networks based on machine learning with low computational cost and the ability to adapt to changes in context.

Supervised by ESIEE Paris professors Jean-François Bercher and Olivier Venard, and Iyad Lahsen-Cherif from Thales and INPT, Pierre is currently preparing his thesis at the Gaspard-Monge Computing Laboratory (LIGM), in collaboration with Thales. Pierre’s objective is to estimate certain network characteristics, so that routing and throughputs can be adapted to quality of service.

The conference was co-organised by Eric Renault, an ESIEE Paris Professor. 

What is the “Best Paper Award”? 

A Best Paper Award is a high distinction awarded to students in the research field. It rewards the best scientific articles. 

ESIEE Paris PhD students are very talented! 

Two other PhD students were also recently awarded a “Best Paper Award”: Quentin Garrido for his work on computational biology and Josselin Lefèvre for the “out-of-core” algorithm. 

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