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Publications of the book " connectivite wireless "

Co-written by ESIEE Paris professors and teachers

On 26th October, the book “Connectivité Wireless, Évolutions des systèmes et enjeux technologiques,” published by Dunod, with a foreword by Geneviève Baudoin, ESIEE Paris professor, was published. 

The editorial team was made up entirely of ESIEE Paris professors, PhD students and engineers. 

  • Martine Villegas, ESIEE Paris professor- ESYCOM laboratory
  • Fabien Robert, ESIEE Paris engineer and UPEM PhD student
  • Lucas Letailleur, ESIEE Paris engineer

What is the book about?

Starting from the fundamentals, the authors develop the characteristics of each system connectivity, outlining the specifics of the physical layer, the limits and the technological technological developments. The approach of this book is didactic in its method, starting from the needs of theoretical concepts, specific characteristics and limits, always keeping in mind the link with system integration.

Who is it aimed at? 

The book was published by Dunod in the “Applied techniques and sciences” section, and is aimed at students, engineers, researchers and all people interested in current and future communication systems. 

Who is it aimed at? 

The book was published by Dunod in the “Applied techniques and sciences” section, and is aimed at students, engineers, researchers and all people interested in current and future communication systems. 

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